Dario Robleto: The Boundary of Life is Quietly Crossed |
August 16 – January 4, 2015 |
Dario Robleto, Things Placed in the Sea, Become the Sea, 2013-2014
Sea urchin shells and spines cast and coated with hand-ground and melted vinyl records salvaged from the deep sea, stretched audiotape of various probe and heartbeat signals, soft coral, various crystals and minerals, various rock slabs, homemade crystals, various seashells, sea urchin teeth, Van Dyke prints (lost probes, probe planetary imagery, news and magazine clippings), watercolor paper, beeswax, aqua resin, etymology pins, walnut, gold and bronze-mirrored Plexiglas, glass domes, brass, copper, light bulbs
65 x 87 x 97 inches overall
installed in the exhibition The Boundary of Life is Quietly Crossed, The Menil Collection, Houston, August 16 – January 4, 2015