Dario Robleto: The Boundary of Life is Quietly Crossed |
August 16 – January 4, 2015 |
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Dario Robleto, detail of The Pulse Armed With a Pen (An Unknown History of the Human Heartbeat, 2013-2014
28 custom cut 5-inch vinyl records, audio recordings, archival digital prints (record sleeves, liner notes, labels, slides), three centuries of various human pulse and heartbeat tracings, glass slides, custom bound book, oak, silk, engraved gold mirror, brass, headphones, media players
18 x 14 -1/2 x 21 inches (box overall, open; installed in variable dimensions)
installed in the exhibition The Boundary of Life is Quietly Crossed, The Menil Collection, Houston, August 16 – January 4, 2015 |